Possible perpetrators can be directly intimidated with the AI cameras with active deterrence in order to avoid damage before it occurs. A triggered camera alarm can automatically activate a built-in LED spotlight and a built-in siren with 105 d-BA. Up to 10 user-defined voice announcements can be stored for an individual approach to perpetrators and played back in the event of an alarm.
For the inlet control we would like to present you different solutions for measuring the body temperature. These technologies from Dahua contactlessly record the temperatures of visitors and employees. Compared to the traditional way of measuring body temperature - a forehead thermometer - this solution increases the speed and accuracy considerably and helps avoid cross infections through non-contact measurements. Such systems for measuring body temperature are, according to ASTM (International - American Society for Testing and Materials), with a temperature deviation of a maximum of 0.3 ° C as official and exact fever measurement. By measuring body temperature, potential carriers of the disease can be identified.
The AI recorders are equipped with artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms. This enables advanced applications such as face and person recognition with combined motion analysis and metadata comparison as well as automatic license plate recognition, people counting, traffic data statistics and the tracking of objects.
In order to be able to offer you the perfect solution, we need precise information about your requirements. Let us know what you are looking for and you will get the best possible support. We would be happy to advise you on site free of charge.